Class Index Cross Index Namespace Index

Class GtkExtra::Sheet

GtkExtra GtkSheet widget.
Contained in: GtkExtra
Derived from: Container
Derived by: none

#include <gtk--/sheet.h>

public function member index:

Sheet(guint rows, guint columns, const nstring& title, GtkType entry_type)
Sheet(guint rows, guint columns, const nstring& title, bool bBrowser = false)
void add_column(guint ncols)
void add_row(guint nrows)
void attach(Gtk::Widget* widget, gint row, gint col, gfloat x_align, gfloat y_align)
void button_attach(Gtk::Widget& widget, gint row, gint col, gfloat x_align, gfloat y_align)
void cause_clip_range(const GtkSheetRange& range)
void cause_select_column(gint column)
void cause_select_range(const GtkSheetRange& range)
void cause_select_row(gint row)
void cause_set_cell(gint row, gint col, GtkJustification justification, const nstring& text)
void cause_set_cell(gint row, gint col, const nstring& text, GtkJustification justification = GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT)
void cell_clear(gint row, gint col)
void cell_delete(gint row, gint col)
gint cell_get_state(gint row, gint col)
void change_entry(GtkType type)
void column_button_add_label(gint column, const nstring& label)
void column_button_justify(gint column, GtkJustification justification)
void column_label_set_visiblity(gint column, bool visible)
void column_row_set_visiblity(gint row, bool visible)
void column_set_justification(gint column, GtkJustification justification)
void column_set_sensitivity(gint column, bool sensitive)
void column_set_visiblity(gint column, bool visible)
void columns_labels_set_visiblity(bool visible)
void delete_columns(guint col, guint ncols)
void delete_rows(guint row, guint nrows)
void freeze()
GtkSheetCell get_active_cell() const
void get_active_cell(gint& row, gint& column)
bool get_attributes(gint row, gint col, GtkSheetCellAttr& attributes)
bool get_cell_area(gint row, gint column, Gdk_Rectangle& area)
nstring get_cell_text(gint row, gint col)
GtkSheetChild* get_child_at(gint row, gint col)
bool get_column(gint index, GtkSheetColumn& refColumn)
guint get_columns_count()
Gtk::Widget* get_entry()
Gtk::Adjustment* get_hadjustment()
bool get_in_clip()
gpointer get_link(gint row, gint col)
bool get_pixel_info(gint x, gint y, gint& row, gint& column)
bool get_row(gint index, GtkSheetRow& refRow)
guint get_rows_count()
GtkSheetRange get_selected_range() const
gint get_state()
static GtkType get_type()
Gtk::Adjustment* get_vadjustment()
void get_visible_range(GtkSheetRange& refRange)
GtkSheet* gtkobj()
const GtkSheet* gtkobj() const
void hide_column_titles()
void hide_row_titles()
void insert_columns(guint col, guint ncols)
void insert_rows(guint row, guint nrows)
static bool isA(Gtk::Object* checkcast)
void link_cell(gint row, gint col, gpointer link)
void move_child(Gtk::Widget* widget, gint x, gint y)
void moveto(gint row, gint column, gfloat row_align, gfloat col_align)
GtkSheetChild* put(Gtk::Widget* widget, gint x, gint y)
void range_clear(const GtkSheetRange& range)
void range_clear()
void range_delete(const GtkSheetRange& range)
void range_set_background(const GtkSheetRange& range, const Gdk_Color& color)
void range_set_border(const GtkSheetRange& range, gint mask, guint width, gint line_style)
void range_set_border_color(const GtkSheetRange& range, const Gdk_Color& color)
void range_set_editable(const GtkSheetRange& range, bool editable)
void range_set_font(const GtkSheetRange& range, const Gdk_Font& font)
void range_set_foreground(const GtkSheetRange& range, const Gdk_Color& color)
void range_set_justification(const GtkSheetRange& range, GtkJustification justification)
void range_set_visible(const GtkSheetRange& range, bool visible)
void remove_link(gint row, gint col)
void row_button_add_label(gint row, const nstring& label)
void row_button_justify(gint row, GtkJustification justification)
void row_set_sensitivity(gint row, bool sensitive)
void row_set_visibility(gint row, bool visible)
void rows_labels_set_visiblity(bool visible)
void rows_set_sensitivity(bool sensitive)
bool set_active_cell(gint row, gint column)
void set_auto_resize(bool bVal = true)
void set_auto_scroll(bool bVal = true)
void set_cell_text(gint row, gint col, const nstring& text)
void set_column_title(gint column, const nstring& title)
void set_column_titles_height(guint height)
void set_column_width(guint column, guint width)
void set_hadjustment(Gtk::Adjustment* adjustment)
void set_row_height(gint row, guint height)
void set_row_title(gint row, const nstring& title)
void set_row_titles_width(guint width)
void set_selection_mode(gint mode)
void set_sensitivity(bool sensitive)
void set_title(const nstring& title)
void set_vadjustment(Gtk::Adjustment* adjustment)
void show_column_titles()
void show_row_titles()
void thaw()
void unclip_range()
void unselect_range()
virtual ~Sheet()

protected function member index:

explicit Sheet(GtkSheet* castitem)
virtual gboolean activate_impl(gint p0, gint p1)
virtual void changed_impl(gint p0, gint p1)
virtual void clear_cell_impl(gint p0, gint p1)
virtual void clip_range_impl(GtkSheetRange* p0)
virtual gboolean deactivate_impl(gint p0, gint p1)
void initialize_class()
virtual void move_range_impl(GtkSheetRange* p0, GtkSheetRange* p1)
virtual void new_column_width_impl(gint p0, guint p1)
virtual void new_row_height_impl(gint p0, guint p1)
virtual void resize_range_impl(GtkSheetRange* p0, GtkSheetRange* p1)
virtual void select_column_impl(gint p0)
virtual void select_range_impl(GtkSheetRange* p0)
virtual void select_row_impl(gint p0)
virtual void set_cell_impl(gint p0, gint p1)
virtual void set_scroll_adjustments_impl(GtkAdjustment* p0, GtkAdjustment* p1)
virtual gboolean traverse_impl(gint p0, gint p1, gint* p2, gint* p3)

private function member index:

Sheet(const Sheet&)
Sheet& operator =(const Sheet&)


A grid widget. Allows user editing of cells. Allows adding/removing of rows and columns at runtime. Rows and Columns are zero-indexed. The title row and column are -1.

Member Descriptions:

GtkExtra::Sheet::Sheet - This constructor can be used to change the widget used in the cell.
Sheet(guint rows, guint columns, const nstring& title, GtkType entry_type)
In the sheet example, Gtk::Combo::get_type() doesn't seem to work, but gtk_combo_get_type does.

GtkExtra::Sheet::Sheet - Use bBrowser = true to create a browse-only sheet.
Sheet(guint rows, guint columns, const nstring& title, bool bBrowser = false)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::add_column - Append columns to the end of the sheet
void add_column(guint ncols)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::add_row - Append rows to the end of the sheet
void add_row(guint nrows)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::button_attach - Attach a widget to the title button.
void button_attach(Gtk::Widget& widget, gint row, gint col, gfloat x_align, gfloat y_align)
row and/or col should be -1, because this only seems to work with the title cells.

GtkExtra::Sheet::cause_clip_range - Save selected range to "clipboard"
void cause_clip_range(const GtkSheetRange& range)
User emittable function

GtkExtra::Sheet::cause_select_column - Select the column.
void cause_select_column(gint column)
The range is then highlighted, and the bounds are stored in sheet->range User emittable function

GtkExtra::Sheet::cause_select_range - Highlight the selected range
void cause_select_range(const GtkSheetRange& range)
Stores bounds in sheet->range User emittable function

GtkExtra::Sheet::cause_select_row - Select the row.
void cause_select_row(gint row)
The range is then highlighted, and the bounds are stored in sheet->range User emittable function

GtkExtra::Sheet::cause_set_cell - Set cell contents.
void cause_set_cell(gint row, gint col, GtkJustification justification, const nstring& text)
User emittable function

GtkExtra::Sheet::cause_set_cell - Set cell contents
void cause_set_cell(gint row, gint col, const nstring& text, GtkJustification justification = GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT)
This override allows a default justification.

GtkExtra::Sheet::cell_clear - Clear cell contents
void cell_clear(gint row, gint col)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::cell_delete - Clear cell contents and remove links
void cell_delete(gint row, gint col)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::cell_get_state - Get cell state
gint cell_get_state(gint row, gint col)

GtkExtra::Sheet::change_entry - Change the widget used in the cell.
void change_entry(GtkType type)
In the sheet example, Gtk::Combo::get_type() doesn't seem to work, but gtk_combo_get_type does.

GtkExtra::Sheet::column_set_sensitivity - Set column button sensitivity.
void column_set_sensitivity(gint column, bool sensitive)
If sensitivity is true it can be toggled. Otherwise it acts as a title.

GtkExtra::Sheet::column_set_visiblity - set column visibility.
void column_set_visiblity(gint column, bool visible)
The default value is true. If false, the column is hidden.

GtkExtra::Sheet::delete_columns - Delete ncols columns starting in col
void delete_columns(guint col, guint ncols)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::delete_rows - Delete nrows rows starting in row
void delete_rows(guint row, guint nrows)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::freeze - Freezes all visual updates of the sheet.
void freeze()
Then thaw the sheet after you have made a number of changes. The updates will occur in a more efficent way than if you made them on an unfrozen sheet.

GtkExtra::Sheet::get_attributes - Get cell attributes of the given cell
bool get_attributes(gint row, gint col, GtkSheetCellAttr& attributes)
Result indicates whether the cell is currently allocated.

GtkExtra::Sheet::get_cell_area - Get area of a given cell
bool get_cell_area(gint row, gint column, Gdk_Rectangle& area)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::get_cell_text - Get cell contents
nstring get_cell_text(gint row, gint col)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::get_column - Get information about the column.
bool get_column(gint index, GtkSheetColumn& refColumn)
column index is zero-indexed. bool indicates success.

GtkExtra::Sheet::get_columns_count - Get count of columns.
guint get_columns_count()
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::get_entry - Returns sheet's entry widget
Gtk::Widget* get_entry()
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::get_hadjustment - get horizontal adjustment
Gtk::Adjustment* get_hadjustment()
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::get_pixel_info - Get row and column corresponding to the given position in the screen
bool get_pixel_info(gint x, gint y, gint& row, gint& column)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::get_row - Get information about the row.
bool get_row(gint index, GtkSheetRow& refRow)
row index is zero-indexed. bool indicates success.

GtkExtra::Sheet::get_rows_count - Get count of rows.
guint get_rows_count()
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::get_state - Returns sheet->state
gint get_state()
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::get_vadjustment - get vertical adjustment
Gtk::Adjustment* get_vadjustment()
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::hide_column_titles - Hide column titles
void hide_column_titles()
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::hide_row_titles - Hide row titles
void hide_row_titles()
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::insert_columns - Insert columns before the given col, and pull down
void insert_columns(guint col, guint ncols)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::insert_rows - Insert rows before the given row, and pull right
void insert_rows(guint row, guint nrows)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::link_cell - Handles cell links
void link_cell(gint row, gint col, gpointer link)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::moveto - Scroll the viewing area of the sheet to the given column and row.
void moveto(gint row, gint column, gfloat row_align, gfloat col_align)
row_align and col_align are between 0-1 representing the location the row should appear on the screen. 0.0 is top or left, 1.0 is bottom or right. If row or column is negative then there is no change.

GtkExtra::Sheet::range_clear - Clear range contents.
void range_clear(const GtkSheetRange& range)
Use range_clear() without arguments to clear whole sheet.

GtkExtra::Sheet::range_clear - Clear whole sheet.
void range_clear()
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::range_set_background - Set background color of the given range
void range_set_background(const GtkSheetRange& range, const Gdk_Color& color)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::range_set_border - Set cell border style in the given range.
void range_set_border(const GtkSheetRange& range, gint mask, guint width, gint line_style)
mask: CELL_LEFT_BORDER, CELL_RIGHT_BORDER, CELL_TOP_BORDER, CELL_BOTTOM_BORDER width: width of the border line in pixels. line_style: Line style for the border line.

GtkExtra::Sheet::range_set_border_color - Set border color for the given range
void range_set_border_color(const GtkSheetRange& range, const Gdk_Color& color)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::range_set_editable - Whether cell contents in the given range can be edited.
void range_set_editable(const GtkSheetRange& range, bool editable)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::range_set_font - Set font for the given range
void range_set_font(const GtkSheetRange& range, const Gdk_Font& font)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::range_set_foreground - Set foreground color (text color) of the given range
void range_set_foreground(const GtkSheetRange& range, const Gdk_Color& color)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::range_set_justification - Set text justification (GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER) of the given range.
void range_set_justification(const GtkSheetRange& range, GtkJustification justification)
The default value is GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT. If autoformat is on, the default justification for numbers is GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT

GtkExtra::Sheet::range_set_visible - Whether cell contents in the given range are visible.
void range_set_visible(const GtkSheetRange& range, bool visible)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::row_button_add_label - Set button label
void row_button_add_label(gint row, const nstring& label)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::row_set_sensitivity - Set row button sensitivity.
void row_set_sensitivity(gint row, bool sensitive)
If sensitivity is true it can be toggled. Otherwise it acts as a title.

GtkExtra::Sheet::row_set_visibility - Set row visibility.
void row_set_visibility(gint row, bool visible)
The default value is true. If false, the row is hidden.

GtkExtra::Sheet::rows_set_sensitivity - Set sensitivity for all row buttons
void rows_set_sensitivity(bool sensitive)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::set_active_cell - Set active cell where the entry will be displayed
bool set_active_cell(gint row, gint column)
returns false if current cell can't be deactivated or requested cell can't be activated.

GtkExtra::Sheet::set_column_title - Set column title
void set_column_title(gint column, const nstring& title)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::set_column_titles_height - Resize column titles
void set_column_titles_height(guint height)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::set_column_width - Set column width
void set_column_width(guint column, guint width)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::set_hadjustment - set horizontal adjustment
void set_hadjustment(Gtk::Adjustment* adjustment)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::set_row_height - Set row height
void set_row_height(gint row, guint height)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::set_row_title - Set row title
void set_row_title(gint row, const nstring& title)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::set_row_titles_width - Resize row titles
void set_row_titles_width(guint width)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::set_sensitivity - Set sensitivity for all column buttons
void set_sensitivity(bool sensitive)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::set_title - Set sheet title
void set_title(const nstring& title)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::set_vadjustment - set vertical adjustment
void set_vadjustment(Gtk::Adjustment* adjustment)
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::show_column_titles - Show column titles
void show_column_titles()
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::show_row_titles - Show row titles
void show_row_titles()
no description

GtkExtra::Sheet::unclip_range - Free clipboard
void unclip_range()
no description